Wednesday 11 April 2007

[ 11. The Scrubs Fansite| Homepage ]

[ The Scrubs Fansite ]

Scrubs is an American sitcom set in teaching hospital Sacred Heart Hospital, created by Bill Laurence and starring Zach Braff, Sarah Chalke and John McGinley. Each episode is around 23 minutes long, plus advert breaks making a half-hour show. Scrubs is shot with a single camera setup and is strange in terms of the fact that it doesn’t use a laughter track, although in a few episodes the directors have themed the premise of the episode, and sometimes changing the setup of the show, eg. one episode was featured in the style of a traditional sitcom in front of a live audience, and other few were in the style of musicals, featuring multiple camera setups.

[ In Detail ]
The fan website for Scrubs is narrowcasted to the fans of the show and is basically a huge database of the series’ large collection of both music tracks and scripts, of which there are over 130. There are other things on the website, like related links, news, FAQ’s [ FAQ ], trivia, merchandise, Scrubs character personality quizzes, hyperlinks to Scrubs in the media and Scrubs in general. The site is comprehensive with lots of facts, information and generally anything to do with the show itself. The audience is any fans of the show and essentially, anyone who wants to find something out about it. The website itself hosts a number of features, although off-site are many more features, including message boarding. These sites are only made available with the ever increasing internet speeds and home-editing software. This has allowed the fans to show their appreciation to the Scrubs crew and help keep the show running. The wide availability of this website and other alike is the quality of the experience that it brings to the series, as the audience feel that they can get closer and find out more about the series, which also increases their loyalty to the show, as well as knowing that there are other dedicated fans out there, increasing vertical integration.
The Scrubs fansite is a good demonstration of democratisation, reach and a non-linear consumption experience.

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